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General Circulars


Noval Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)-General Advisory

Noval Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)-General Advisory  The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Wuhan coronavirus, is a contagious virus that causes respiratory infection, can transfer from human to human. Symptom Fever Difficulty in Breathing Coughing Tightness of Chest Running...

CBSE Chairperson's Message for Parents of X and XII children

CBSE Chairperson's Message for Parents of X and XII children

CBSE Chairperson's Message for X and XII students

CBSE Chairperson's Message for X and XII students

Eliminate Single Use Plastic

Eliminate Single Use Plastic

Autumn Break

NEW GREEN FIELD SCHOOL, ALAKNANDA IMPORTANT CIRCULAR   The Autumn Break shall begin from 04.10.2019 to 08.10.2019. The school shall remain open on 3rd October 2019.

Vector Borne Diseases

Ways to prevent from Malaria , Dengue , Chickengunia ...

Administration of Deworming Tablet

Administration of Deworming Tablet

Two Levels of Mathematics for Class X(2020 Onwards)

Two Levels of Mathematics for Class X(2020 Onwards)