Noval Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)-General Advisory
The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Wuhan coronavirus, is a contagious virus that causes respiratory infection, can transfer from human to human.
- Fever
- Difficulty in Breathing
- Coughing
- Tightness of Chest
- Running Nose
- Head Ache
- Feeling of being Unwell
- Pneumonia
- Kidney Failure
Incubation Period: 14 days asymptomatic
Mode of transmission
Human Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) most commonly spread from an infected person to other through:
- The air by coughing and sneezing
- Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hand
- Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands
How to reduce risk of Coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV)
- Clean hand with soap and water or alcohol based hand rub
- Cover nose and mouth when coughing & sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow
- Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu like symptoms
- Avoid frozen meet
- Isolation of symptomatic patients for atleast 14 days.
DO’s and DON’T’s
- Cover your nose and mouth with disposable tissue or handkerchief while coughing or sneezing
- Frequently wash your hands with soap and water
- Avoid crowded places
- Person suffering from Influenza like illness must be confined at home
- Stay more than one arm's length distance from persons sick with flu
- Take adequate sleep and rest
- Drink plenty of water/liquids and eat nutritious food
- Person suspected with Influenza like illness must consult doctor
- Touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
- Hugging, kissing and shaking hands while greeting
- Spitting in public places
- Taking medicines without consulting doctor
- Excessive physical exercise
- Disposal of used napkin or tissue paper in open areas
- Touching surfaces usually used by public (Railing, door gates, etc)
- Smoking in public places
- Unnecessary testing
24*7 Control Room has been established at DGHS (HQ), may be contacted for any query related to nCoV-2020
Ph: 011-22307145, 22300012, 22300036
- Posted By: Ngfs Alaknanda
- Date: 05 Mar 2020